Project general information
Project acronym: NATURED
Project title: Nature-bAsed soluTions for a jUst Resilience in thE Adriatic-Ionian cities
Project ID: IPA-ADRION00445
Total budget: EUR 1.269.913,13
Total EU funding: EUR 1.079.426,13
Project duration: 30 months (01.07.2024. – 31.12.2026.)
Programme priority: Supporting a greener and climate resilient Adriatic – Ionian region
Specific objective: SO 2.1: Enhancing resilience to climate change, natural and man-made disasters in the Adriatic – Ionian region
Lead Partner: Romagna Faentina Union (Italy)
Project partners:
- CORILA – Consortium for coordination of Research Activities concerning the Venice Lagoon system (Italy)
- Regional Development Agency of Northern Primorska L.t. d. Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
- Public institution RERA S.D. for coordination and development of Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia)
- Region of Thessaly (Greece)
- Internacional University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Regional Agency for Socio – Economic Development – Banat Ltd (Serbia)
- Regional Development Agency South (Serbia)
- Old Royal Capital Cetinje (Montenegro)
- Municipality of Tirana (Albania)
- Municipality of Gostivar (North Macedonia)
- City of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Project summary
The ADRION region is a hotspot of climate change. The consequences are evident and always more frequent: flooding, droughts, landslides, storms, and wildfires. The impacts of these events on individuals, communities, and regions vary, depending on how vulnerable the people or areas affected are, and their level of exposure. In such a context, the overall objective of NATURED is to enable policymakers/stakeholders to prevent the effects of climate change on different zones of urban areas, especially of flash floods and heat urban islands, by adopting Nature-based Solutions of adaptation of which the most vulnerable groups (those living near the rivers and more exposed to flooding; those affected by heat waves) will be the main beneficiaries. The change expected is the promotion of a just, safe, and inclusive resilience, leaving no one behind when adapting to climate change. It will be achieved through various interlinked activities and outputs consisting of the understanding of interactions between climate and cities, databases and digital maps for climate vulnerability/hazards matrix of different zones of cities, citizens and stakeholders engagement to define action plans for Nature-based Solutions, to be then tested in pilot actions and hence included in the public work plans of cities, up to a plan to replicate at wider scale the most effective tested solutions. The transnational approach is the most appropriate because the climate change effects don’t have geopolitical boundaries and the Adriatic-Ionian region, comprising multiple countries and cities, shares common vulnerabilities, that require collective efforts and joint action. NATURED is built on a place-based approach, the only effective adaptation actions to climate change, and its originality consist in the inclusion of Nature-based Solutions into the public work plans of the city, at present dominated by a grey infrastructures approach. NATURED is consistent with the indicative action (ii) of the Call, SO 2.1, that prioritizes Nature-based Solutions instead of traditional grey infrastructures.
Rrjeti Social
Komuna e Gostivarit
Bull. “Vëllezërit Gjinoski” 61
1230, Gostivar
Republika e Maqedonisë së Veriut
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+389 (0) 42 214 600
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+389 (0) 42 217 438
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+389 (0) 42 213 511